Helping Individuals With Mental Disabilities Fight For The SSD They Need
Do you suffer from a mental disability that affects your ability to work full time? If you do, reach out to a SSD mental disability attorney at Pitts & Zanaty, L.L.C. We have helped thousands of clients receive the medical and financial assistance they need and deserve.
Our Social Security Disability lawyers can assist you with initial applications and Social Security Disability appeals. If you are in the process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or have had your application for benefits denied, contact us.
We represent clients with any mental health condition, including:
We have numerous office locations in Alabama and help clients nationwide.
Here For You Every Step Of The Way
If you or a family member is suffering from a mental disability or a disabling physical injury that hinders the ability to work, you want an attorney who will put your needs first. You want an experienced lawyer who is dedicated to seeking results for you.
At Pitts & Zanaty, L.L.C., we provide each client with highly personalized representation. We take the time to listen to clients, answer their questions, educate them about the process involved in their case and keep clients informed about the status of their case.
We understand that many of our clients are experiencing significant financial, medical and emotional challenges that are very difficult. When we take a case, we do so with a commitment to making clients’ lives better. To do so, we provide quality representation with a focus on service and results.
Get A Free Review Of Your SSD For Mental Disabilities Case
To schedule a free consultation with a nationwide Social Security Disability attorney, contact Pitts & Zanaty, L.L.C., by email or call 855-491-3687. If you are unable to travel to one of our offices, we can also provide you with information through the mail.
No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.